Katic’s Murder in a Small Town role is the opposite of hers as Kate in Castle. In Sutherland’s series, Alberg suspects Katic’s Zoe Strachan character of murder. Strachan is a wealthy resident of Gibson who mostly keeps to herself but gets wrapped up in Alberg’s investigation after her brother is murdered. If viewers tuned into Katic’s performance expecting to see something similar to her Castle character, they would be utterly surprised. Katic’s Murder in a Small Town character was really creepy, putting her on the other side of the investigation as the murderer rather than the investigator.
Murder in a Small Town promised a different kind of police show, and Stana Katic’s eerie murderer character delivered on that promise.
In Murder in a Small Town season 1, episode 3, “A Chill Rain,” Katic’s character grows more ominous as Alberg investigates. He uncovers that Zoe Strachan has left a trail of mysterious deaths behind her, with various odd police reports suggesting her kind, cunning demeanor was deceitful. Not a moment too soon, Alberg uncovers that Zoe Strachan burned her former relative alive and catches her just before she’s able to replicate the crime. Murder in a Small Town promises a different kind of police show, and Stana Katic’s eerie murderer character delivers on that promise.